
每年, 韦德娱乐app下载地址's math and science departments celebrate the fields of science, 技术, 工程, and math by hosting STEM-related events, 活动, 以及演讲嘉宾. The week is meant not only to eng年龄 the entire school with those subjects, but also to inspire thinking about STEM-related careers. 老年人: If you are interested in pursuing a potential 高级项目 with any of our STEM guests, please follow up with 数学部门. 布雷塔·米尔克斯负责人 or 科学部门. 卡里·尼尔森主管.



RoushYates发动机公司是福特怪兽能源纳斯卡杯系列的独家发动机制造商, 纳斯卡Xfinity系列, IMSA WeatherTech Sportscar Championship, IMSA米其林飞行员挑战赛, and the FIA World Endurance Championship. 他们的两台发动机——一台FR9发动机和一台Ecoboost发动机——在开放日期间在体育中心展出,然后在STEM周的剩余时间里搬到了表演艺术中心.


Our Forensics class took a field trip to the Philadelphia Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion where they got a close look at a variety of critters. Those brave enough even held some! 

Biology classes were joined by Francis Collins and Carol Cope of the Primrose Creek Watershed Association to assess the biodiversity in the creek. Some of the macroinvertebrates found were a dragonfly nymph, 飞毛腿, 陀螺甲虫, riffle beetle and a lot of left handed snails. Students also checked the pH levels of the creek which were found to be 7. 

兽医博士. 泰德·罗宾逊向学生们讲述了成为一名兽医的道路和他在这个行业的经历. He answered dozens of questions about the different animals he has treated, sharing information about surgeries he's completed and exotic animals he's helped. Students also viewed a brief video about the Native American Veterinary Services (NAVS). 罗宾逊成立于2001年. 

学生们与埃里克·米勒进行视频聊天, an aviation consultant with Kitty Hawk, 一家致力于“为日常飞行创造下一代飞行器”的公司——I.e. 飞行汽车. An expert skydiver and base jumper, 埃里克被这家科技公司聘用不是因为他的科学背景(他没有科学背景)。, but for his expertise with parachutes. It was a fascinating and animated talk about the future of transportation, 承担风险的好处, and the importance of understanding physics when calculating freefalls. Wondering what 飞行汽车 are like? 看看 www.基蒂鹰.航空.



物理专业的学生有机会拆开RoushYates的Ecoboost引擎,然后重新组装! This engine is used in street cars for road racing and in 24 hour long races. 团队带来的另一个引擎是FR9,这是NASCAR使用的引擎. 那天下午晚些时候, 20年级的道格·耶茨(Doug Yates)在大会上做了演讲,并向学生讲述了他在赛车和创建公司方面的经历 RoushYates引擎. 他展示了他们如何测试引擎的视频和比赛的短片. 当他回答了许多关于这个行业的问题时,他对工作的热情闪耀着. 



凯伦·麦凯纳,11年级学生, 工商管理硕士, 气道, 与化学和生物专业的学生谈论她在制药行业的经历. 在这次关于制药行业可以提供的广泛选择的翔实的讨论中, 凯伦帮助学生们了解获得制药学位需要什么,以及它可以应用的多种方式(冷链供应物流工程), 任何人?). 

At our weekly school wide assembly, we had two great student presentations. 首先,20岁的Ben Bunting分享了他在去年夏天到N/ an Ku Se野生动物保护区为期三周的旅行中的经历,这是国家地理保护计划的一部分. 下一个, 20岁的克里斯蒂安·耶茨(Christian Yates)分享了他过去几年在西班牙挖掘的考古冒险经历, 希腊, 和伯利兹. Both enthusiastically answered questions about their encounters/finds.



急诊医师Linda Chaille-Arnold P'20在天普大学圣公会医院工作. Dr. 夏勒-阿诺德做了一个关于成为一名医生所需要的学校教育的报告, the different types of jobs available in medicine, the kinds of patients and injuries that she treats every day in the ER, 并最终, 为什么她真的热爱自己的工作. 



莎拉Dohle, PhD Delaware Valley University Plant 科学 Division, spoke about how biodiversity is important in agriculture, 作物均匀性, 防止浪费的方法, and her experience with conventional plant breeding. 她给学生们讲解了培育南瓜和辣椒的过程,甚至还成功地把她自己培育的两种世界上最辣的辣椒杂交了. Everyone had the opportunity to try these peppers along with a more mild variety. Do you think you could stand the heat? 

荣誉化学和统计课程创造了逻辑谜题来展示代数思维和创建方程系统. 学生们分组工作,用不同的糖果块创建一组方程,其中特定的糖果代表特定的数字. 然后,这些小组与其他小组分享他们的方程式或谜题,看看他们是否能够解决这些谜题,并计算出谜题中使用的每种特定类型的糖果的价值.

杰米·阿诺德, 民间城市烘焙师, 他做了一个精彩的演讲,讲述了他是如何进入咖啡烘焙行业的,以及他过去10年在这个行业的经历. 他在AP化学课上演示了如何冲泡两批完美的咖啡. One was made using distilled water, and the other with water that had magnesium sulfate, calcium citrate and sodium chloride added to it. 每个人都有机会品尝咖啡,看看他们是否注意到两者之间的区别.  



每年, 在STEM周的最后一天,索利伯里学校将举行全校范围的STEM活动. This years event was a scavenger hunt! 顾问们一起回答与STEM相关的问题,并根据问题的答案, 他们知道下一步该去哪里. For example, find the sum of the atomic numbers of all the noble gases. 然后质因数分解这个数. How many prime factors does it have? Call it z, and head to room Abbe-z. Each team completed 12 st年龄s then were challenged to build a paper airplane. Their scores improved based on how far the plane flew. 布雷塔·米尔克斯的顾问小组获得冠军,米歇尔·加文的顾问小组获得第二名. Great job everyone and thanks to everyone who made this a fantastic STEM Week!

After the school-wide STEM event, students were surprised to see that Chapman Ford had brought a Ford, 特斯拉, and Jeep for everyone to sit in and take pictures with!